Hey, I'm Deanna! I'm a registration assistant at a fantastic community college in Maryland and a proud University of Maryland alum with a BA in History and Women's Studies. lunaestas.com is my favorite hobby - I've been tinkering around with it since 2001!

I love keeping up with pop culture happenings, especially in music, and I post from time to time about stuff like that on Tumblr and Pinterest. (I share IRL pics - mostly sunsets, it seems! - on Instagram.) I also kept a music review blog from '07-'11 - I keep meaning to get back to it someday!
My favorite quote is the title lyric from "Happiness Is An Option," by Pet Shop Boys. I've been saying it and loving it since 2007, when I just genuinely felt the title lyric as I glanced at the "Now Playing" screen on my iPod. It's not that I think that happiness is necessarily easy or something that you can simply choose to feel. For me, "happiness is an option" just reminds me that, well, it is! It's a perspective I try to keep, even - especially! - when things get a bit rough. (I talk more about that sort of thing on this rather long history of my experiences with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.)