"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Written and directed by Bruce Robinson and produced by Handmade Films, Withnail and I stars Richard E Grant as Withnail and Paul McGann as "I"/Marwood and was released in 1987. Robinson's screenplay is based loosely on his own experiences in late-60s London.

A fanlisting is a neat way to list fans of someone or something - in this case, the best movie ever.

"Here comes another fucker!"

As of February 3, 2025, 108 Withnail and I fans have added their name to this The Fanlistings Network-listed fanlisting. See the list, and add your own name!


Have a look at some very beautiful pictures, read some quotes from the documentary Withnail and Us, and if you think you've been here on this site too long - if you feel unusual - check out some great Withnail links.